Cracow equality march

In many ways it was an eye opening event for me.

Firstly, and most importantly, I have a deep respect for each and every person who dedicated their time to walk in the name of respect and equality.

Secondly, the moment when the police allowed me to cross the barricade separating the marchers and the nationalists, I had a profound moment of realising the power of my camera. In that moment I didn’t carry a camera – I carried a passport. I was with those who fought for and with those who fought against. That magic invisibility coat I seemed to be wearing made me fell in love with photography again, and again.

a perfect stranger

These are perfect strangers I met on Sunday. Each of them shared a moment and a story with me. I can’t quite exactly explain what made me pick them from the crowd but I instinctively felt something unique going on.

Meet the crazy pavement artist, the lovely man with crazy sunglasses and a traveler from Kansas with a German origin.

I’ll let you match the descriptions yourself.

things that never happened in that exact way


The man in the photo studio told me that my film is long expired and there’s no point in scanning it.

But well, I like photographing on expired film. Mainly because you never know what you’ll get. When you finally see the photographs it’s nothing what you expected, nothing that you could remember – almost like the moment you captured on the photo has never happened. It feels like looking at your memories from a different perspective, something that is new but old at the same time.

A little bit like remembering something that you forgot a long time ago. That’s what I mainly like about the expired film.


a horse market

We went to the biggest horse market in Poland without really knowing what to expect. When we arrived it was wet, cold and dark. We spent the night in a car, drifting off and waking up in a cramped, sweaty embrace, somehow very appropriate for the whole situation. Strange smells of animals, weird excitement in the air and the crowds of people in the middle of the cold night, it all built up something new, a strange, powerful energy.

To me the horse market meant a powerful energy, waking up my tired brain and giving no choice, but to participate, a crazy dance of men, horses and alcohol,

what’s better there in the world, than beautiful horses and beautiful women

and vodka, I guess,

and here’s what I saw, but maybe more, what I participated in, feeling like I’m placed in a very middle of a big chaos, something long awaited and wild.